Kafé de Luxe is a perfectly quirky oasis in the rectangular concrete jungle of Växjö and is located in Snus-Lundgren’s old house from the 18th century. Everything is done to make life even mo…
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Kafé de Luxe is a perfectly quirky oasis in the rectangular concrete jungle of Växjö and is located in Snus-Lundgren’s old house from the 18th century. Everything is done to make life even more enjoyable than it already is for you, dear guests! The main pillars are hearty cooking, cake baking, drinking culture, live music, and all kinds of cultural expressions, but most importantly, it’s all of you who come here!!
Kafé de Luxe is a unique and charming oasis located in Snus-Lundgren’s old house from the 18th century in Växjö. Everything is done to create a fun and enjoyable experience for the guests. The main elements are heartfelt cooking, baking delicious cakes, focusing on drinking culture, live music, and various cultural expressions. But most importantly, it’s all of you who come and visit. Kafé de Luxe is dedicated to making your visit as memorable and pleasant as possible.
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